Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sex, Drugs and...well that's it.

Nic Sheff's book was a much better indication of how drugs really work than the glamorized image a lot of people have about rock and roll and the crazy fun lifestyles that rich people on drugs present to the public. The way that he feels things in the book is described in a way that only someone who has experienced drug addiction can explain it. He knows some sense of guilt and remorse, but is so numb that he doesn't actually feel the way that normal people do. He essentially escapes from any emotional pain that may affect him. I know a guy from middle school who grew up and fell in love with oxycontin. He was basically an alright guy, pretty popular, but once he got addicted, he was completely different. If he came over to a friends house they would check if he stole anything after he was gone. One week his aunt went on vacation with her family. While she was gone he broke in her house and stole item after item to sell for money to buy more oxies. At the end of the week he looked around the house and knew that he had taken too many things to get away with it. So he burned down the house. It's not that addicts don't know what they're doing, they just don't feel or understand their own or the pain of others. It's sad, but I think that Nic Sheff's book accurately captured that and I'm really impressed that he managed to get his life back. I have friends who have done the same and to finally see the person you used to know is one of the best feelings you can have in regards to drug addicts.

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