Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Seeing Saw

Every year I go see the new Saw movie in theaters and I have no idea why. Not only are they terrible movies with subpar plots and abismal acting, I don't even particularly like the type of violence they show (in a movie-goer sense, not actual violence). I spent the majority of screentime under my jacket, asking for play-by-plays and "Is it over?" The only feasible explanation for why the Saw movies do so well financially has to be the new and creative forms of torture each one gives its audience. As horrific is that is, horror films have gotten old and predictable. The torture porn category of film opens new doors to the industry where any sadist can write a suitable screen-play and have it make a lot of money. Personally, I watch the movies to test how much I can take, and I'm not even feeling any of the pain. How much pain a person can watch is one of those questions everyone likes to answer about themselves. It allows them to get to know themselves better because, as we see from a number of horror and torture porn movies, pain brings people, even strangers, together.

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